Nosler Custom made Brass 30-06 Springfield Box of 50

Nosler 30 06 Brass On the market Overview
Nosler Custom made Brass was created to enrich their line of custom bullets. Each whole lot is weight-sorted to offer consistent measurements and capacities for correct masses and encompasses a Nosler head-stamp. Ahead reloading equipments of cargo, Nosler chamfers and deburrs the case mouths reloading equipments and deburrs the flash gap. Totally prepped and able to load on receipt, every bit of brass presents consistency in trimmed length and neck wall thickness. This brass thirty-06 reloading equipments brass available for purchase is new and unprimed. This isn't loaded ammunition.
Cartridge 30-06 Springfield
Finish Brass
Condition 30 06 brass sportsman's warehouse New
Amount fifty Piece
Primed No